ThinkQuest@JAPAN 2000: Educational Web Authoring Contest

[Secondary School Student Division]
[University Student/Adult Division]

Call for Participants

ThinkQuest@JAPAN is the Japanese language version of the original ThinkQuestcontest started in the US. Entries are put into an online library, makingthem available to schools worldwide. Students learn as they create. Teacherscan participate as coaches or contestants. Both teachers and students canexperience the Internet Style of Learning.

Join ThinkQuest@JAPAN 2000!

ThinkQuest@Japan is a Web authoring contest for middle school, high school and university students and adults. It is the Japanese language version of the ThinkQuest program which started in the USA. In ThinkQuest, two or three secondary school students form a team and work together for six months to a year to create an educational Web site aimed towards a secondary school-aged audience. However, the Web sites must be in English. It is for this reason that the ThinkQuest@Japan project was created.

Although the goal of the ThinkQuest@Japan program is to create Web sites in Japanese, participation is not limited to students in Japan; it is an international contest open to Japanese living overseas and people studying Japanese. In the past people from the US, Australia, the Netherlands, Egypt and Malaysia have participated.

In this, the third year of the ThinkQuest@JAPAN contest, we would like to see even more people participate. Team members don't need to be in the same school or even in the same country. Our TeamMaker online database will help you search for partners by abilities, common interests, available computer equipment and other criteria. There's also a mailing list to discuss ideas with others interested in participating in the contest.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Contest Information

1) Contest Schedule: July 2000 to March 2001
Application Deadline : November 30, 2000
Submission Deadline
Secondary School Student Division: March 21, 2001
University Student/Adult Division: March 26, 2001

2) Eligibility:

Secondary School Division

Students enrolled in secondary school in Japan or abroad and between theages of 12 and 17 as of April 1, 2000.

Teams consist of 2-3 students and 1-3 coaches. Teams may include students from different schools or countries. Coaches must be a teacher, school employee, student guardian or designated guardian over 18 years old.

University/Adult Division

Anyone over 18 as of April 1, 2000. Teams will be comprised of two or three people.

3) Eligible Topics: Web sites on any topic covering Science/Math, Art/Literature, Social Studies, Sports/Health, or Interdisciplinary (covering more than one field) which can be used as educational resources by secondary school students. Teams in the University/Adult Division may also cover topics useful to other age groups or educators.

4) Awards: Platinum, Gold and Silver awards in each of the five categories. A Best Of Contest award will be given to the overall winner.

5) Award Ceremony: June, 2001 (tentative)

ThinkQuest@JAPAN 2000 is backed by the Japanese Ministry of Education, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (expected).

Contact Information:

ThinkQuest Japan Program Secretariat
Sunrise Shinjuku Bldg. 7F
2-4-15 Okubo
Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169-0072, JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-3204-8104
Fax: +81-3-3202-2414